Clayton Steam Generators are used in a broad range of applications where industrial processes require a specific steam source to meet their needs. Our broad range of boiler and steam products, and unique ability to supply high quality steam on demand at pressures up to 3000 psig, make us particularly well suited to meet the needs of many industries. Here is a partial list of the industries served by Clayton Steam Generators:
- Aerospace
- Chemical
- Hospitals
- Paper/Corrugating
- Power Generation
- Tobacco
- General Manufacturing
- Animal Feed
- Dairy
- Hotels
- Petroleum Production
- Rubber
- Wire and Cable
- Oil & Gas
- Automotive
- Food Processing
- Marine & Offshore
- Pharmaceutical
- Steel
- Mining
- Beverage
These are some of Clayton’s customers
- Akzo-Nobel
- Air Products
- Bayer
- Beijing Jeep 6. Ltd.
- Borden
- British Petroleum
- Caterpillar
- China Offshore Oil
- Ciba-Geigy
- Campbell Soup
- Clorox
- Chrysler
- Dow Chemical
- DuPont
- Esso
- Estee Lauder
- Exxon
- Ford Motor Company
- FMC Corp
- General Electric
- General Mills
- General Motors
- Glaxo Smith Kline
- Goodyear Corp
- Henkel
- Hewlett Packard
- ICI Flour Daniel
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kellogg Foods
- Kodak
- Kraft Foods
- L’Oreal
- Master Foods
- McCain Foods
- Lockheed
- Lilly
- McDonalds
- Monsanto
- Merck
- Nestle
- Oriental Pearl
Center Shanghai - Parke-Davis
- Pepsi
- Pfizer
- Procter & Gamble
- Quaker Oats
- RJ Reynolds
- Ralston Purina
- Sandoz
- Schweppes
- Shanghai Foreign
Trade Corp. - Shanghai World
Trade Center - Shering Plough
- Sidmar
- Siemens Electric
- Solvay
- Tianjin Micro
Industrial Park - Tractebel
- Texaco
- Unilever
- Wuhan Tobacco Co.
- Westinghouse
- Worthington Steel
Click here for the Clayton Power Plant Presentation.
Clayton Steam Generators are available in many sizes and as portable steam boilers. Many are available as medium pressure steam boilers and high pressure steam boilers for sale. They come with several benefits above traditional water tube and fire tube boilers. See our complete line of state-of-the-art process steam boilers and accessories.
For more information about Clayton Steam Generator applications, industries served and steam generator service, contact your local Clayton representative.